Annual Call for Curators
Crown Gallery at Metro Art Studios in Bridgeport is seeking proposals from curators for an art exhibit to be held from November 9, 2024 to January 11, 2025. The gallery is particularly suited to large installations and conceptual art, as well as more traditional art forms. The deadline for proposal submissions is September 3, 2024. A $300 stipend will be paid to the selected curator.
Open to curators working or residing in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. All visual art mediums will be considered.
Interested parties should complete an application on describing their proposal, the overall theme or concept, and the approximate number of artists and artworks that will be involved. Proposals should include and be mindful of the following requirements:
A curatorial statement explaining the focus and concept of the exhibit
Proposals must contain a minimum of 3 artists
A minimum of 10 and maximum of 20 Images of the work you plan to include in the final exhibit; examples of similar work is acceptable. All work in the exhibit must be for sale
Artwork by the proposing curator cannot account for more than 33% of the exhibited artworks
Exhibitions must be installed in under 4 days and be completed by November 6, 2024
Any audio/visual equipment required for the exhibit will need to be provided by the artists
The curator is responsible for creating and printing wall labels for the exhibit (Crown will provide a template, if needed), price list, and other in-gallery material. Crown Gallery will provide exhibit titles
We encourage a visit to Crown Gallery before applying, or a review of the gallery floor plan and photos
Special consideration will be given to proposals that reflect a commitment to our values of access, diversity, equity, and inclusion
Metro Art Studios and Crown Gallery are not responsible for the cost of shipping, or any installation costs. There are pedestals available
All artwork is fully insured while in the possession of Metro Art Studios/Crown Gallery and the facility has 24 hour security
The opening reception for the exhibit (November 9, 2024) coincides with a weekend-long, city-wide open studio event that brings almost 2,000 visitors to Metro Art Studios
About Metro Art Studios:
Metro Art Studios is a non-profit arts organization located in the South End of Bridgeport, CT. The three-story renovated corset factory houses 38 loft studios for professional musicians and visual artists, as well as Crown Gallery, a large for-profit gallery space on the ground floor. Crown Gallery hosts 6-7 exhibitions a year, a mix of juried and invitational curated shows. Metro supports local, regional, and national artists with professional development workshops and panels, and provides inclusive cultural experiences and diverse opportunities to the Greater Bridgeport area and beyond.
Crown Gallery is approximately 1250 square feet (25' wide by 50' long) with 11' tall ceilings in a restored mill building.
Submissions Due: September 3, 2024
Notification: September 9
Installation Dates: November 2-6, 2024
Dates of Show: November 9, 2024 to January 11, 2025
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 9, 1 - 4 PM

Liability and Responsibility: Metro Art Studios will take reasonable precaution in handling accepted artwork. Metro is only responsible for artwork while it is in its possession. Metro's liability for theft or damage of the artwork shall be limited to 60% of the sale price. Art is fully insured while at Metro Art Studios. Artists are responsible for insuring their work until the moment it arrives at Metro Art Studios and from the moment it leaves Metro Art Studios when it is shipped back to the artist.
Submission of work shall constitute an agreement on the part of the artist to the conditions set forth in this prospectus. The acceptance of an entry in the exhibition shall further include permission to photograph the work and use images for publicity and educational purposes.
Submissions will be reviewed by a committee at Crown Gallery and a final decision will be made by September 9, 2024.
Drop off of Accepted Work: For local artists, accepted works can be dropped off in person at Metro Art Studio on November 1 from 1-4 pm, unless other arrangements are made in advance in writing.
A commission of 40% will be retained by Metro Art Studios on all sales. A sale price must be indicated for all work. Artists will be paid for works sold within 30 days after the closing date of the exhibition and the collection of the sales proceeds.
Entry Form:
Entries must be completed on Call for Entry by September 3, 2024. Completed entries include all required information, and images. There is no entry fee. Incomplete entries will not be considered.
Please contact us with any questions.